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cobaan berat bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "cobaan berat"
  • cobaan:    trial; testing; temptation
  • berat:    arduous; gravity; heaviness; heavy; lumpish;
  • pengadilan lewat cobaan:    trial by ordeal
  • berat:    arduous; gravity; heaviness; heavy; lumpish; onerous; ponderous; weight; weighty; arduously; capital; demanding; serious; tough; weighed down; grave; good; heavily; count; significant; worse; strenu
  • air berat:    heavy water; deuterium oxide
  • alat berat:    heavy equipment
  • angkat berat:    olympic weightlifting; powerlifting; weightlifting; weightlift
  • beban berat:    millstone
  • bekerja berat:    fetch and carry; fetched and carry; fetching and carry; work hard
  • berat atas:    top-heavy
  • berat atom:    atomic mass; atomic weight
  • berat benaman:    displacement (ship)
  • berat bersih:    net weight; net-weight; net
  • berat bruto:    gross weight
  • berat jenis:    specific weight; specific gravity
  • Well, she's been going through a tough time lately.
    Dia mengalami cobaan berat belakangan ini.
  • When the ghastly ordeal of Timothy Cavendish is turned into a film,
    Ketika cobaan berat Timothy Cavendish difilmkan...,
  • It must be really hard to see your daughter like this.
    Pasti ini cobaan berat melihat anakmu seperti ini.
  • Surely, no greater ordeal is faced by any animal.
    Secara pasti ini bukan cobaan berat yang dihadapi beberapa binatang.
  • You must have been through a terrible ordeal.
    Kau pasti mengalami cobaan berat.
  • Bruce told us about the ordeal that you went through.
    Bruce menceritakan tentang cobaan berat itu Yang Anda alami.
  • I will do my best to fulfill this great responsibility."
    Dia akan memberi kita kekuatan untuk cobaan berat ini".
  • You've been through an ordeal.
    Kau sudah melalui cobaan berat.
  • And this is the ordeal by fire of coach Kabir Khan's team.
    Dan ini adalah cobaan berat bagi tim asuhan pelatih Kabir Khan.
  • Without you, it would be an ordeal ln my heart I house,
    "Tanpamu, ini akan jadi cobaan berat." "Di hati yang aku tempati."
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3